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Godalming College Sports Centre, Godalming, Surrey
After being contacted by the mains contractor Mostlane we were asked to visit the college and survey a failed guttering system which had par􀆟ally fallen off. The original gutter had rear outlets with pipes which ran horizontally from the back of the system, the smallest blockage in the pipes would cause the gutter to fill creating immense weight, eventually if failed and fell off.
A new design was put forwards incorporating a 3 piece system, this consisted of an internal 3mm box gutter, a bullnose fascia, and a soffit, all of these would be supported by 3mm galvanised web brackets. The main challenge of this project was to match the architectural features of the new system exactly to the existing bullnose, but incorporating an independent gutter inside the bullnose facia and soffit. Full CAD drawings were created, once approved and costings were agreed the design went into manufacture.
The products used on this project were Trueline aluminium fascia with Trueline top hat soffit, the gutter was manufactured out of 3mm aluminium supported every 900mm by the web brackets,
these were fixed the rear steel beam with 60mm Evolution Tec screws, the new outlet design meant the outlets were cut on site through the fascia connecting to new 105 degree projections, these were used to promote waterflow from the gutter to the rainwater pipes.
Once installation had started the web brackets were installed using a laser between the outlets allowing a 20mm fall to each one, once the gutter was on the soffit could be fixed with the fascia finally being attached, there was 85 linear metres of this system to the front and rear with 11 new rainwater projections to the existing pipes.
The benefits of using aluminium rainwater and roofline products on the college promote sustainability. Made from recycled aluminium, which is a natural product, it can be infinitely recycled without losing material properties.
Covering health and safety aspects, aluminium is lightweight and easy to install, but also very long-lasting and durable, it does not rust or corrode and is non-combustible, with regular maintenance it should have an expected lifespan of 60 plus years.
County Gutters were chosen for this project as no other guttering companies in the area were prepared to undertake such a complex project.
- Bullnose fascia
- Trueline Soffit
- bespoke 3mm box gutter